I am so proud and happy that my little ceramic houses bring so much happiness to people all over the world. My little houses are sitting on shelves in Sydney, New York, London, Hong Kong and everywhere in between. Recently I was excited to be interviewed for a Sunday Times article on successful home-grown businesses formed during lockdown. I still get a thrill with every sale I make and the lovely feedback and joy my houses bring. So I will keep making these and creating different additions for all the miniature hamlets, villages & towns out there. All the very best, Penny.
Penny Pottery UK was founded by Penny Howarth, a highly collected artist from Cornwall who lives in the county of Surrey in the United Kingdom. All artwork is hand-built and finished in its entirety by Penny. Everything is a unique, one of a kind piece. Never from molds or templates. Artworks are created with high quality clay & glazes, fired in the artists own kiln in a workshop at the bottom of her garden. Fired with renewable energy.
Where to Buy
Penny’s work is available right here. Shop, safely, securely and direct.
Please note – Penny does not sell via any other online store other than those listed above. A number of fake copycat sites set-up with photos stolen from social media, please beware.
Example set of 12 Unique Miniature Ceramic Houses handmade by Penny Howarth of Penny Pottery UK
Please send commission requests to pennypotterycouk (at) gmail.com.
Ceramic Worry / Money Monster PJH Penelope Jane Howarth PennyPotteryUKCeramic Dachshund Dog PJH Penelope Jane Howarth PennyPotteryUKCeramic Cliff Village PJH Penelope Jane Howarth PennyPotteryUKCeramic Owls PJH Penelope Jane Howarth PennyPotteryUKCeramic Hillside Village PJH Penelope Jane Howarth PennyPotteryUKMiniature Ceramic Houses PJH Penelope Jane Howarth PennyPotteryUKCeramic Fishing Boats PJH Penelope Jane Howarth PennyPotteryUKCeramic Fishing Boats PJH Penelope Jane Howarth PennyPotteryUK